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General Legal Information

LEGAL INFORMATION Smart Touring “No Viajes Mañana Lo Que Puedas Viajar Hoy” ®️ – CIAN 041609-2 registered in the tourism registry of Andalusia in the name of VIAJES AFRICA SMART TOURING, S.L. CIF B56807373 Calle Sorbas 40, 04140 Carboneras, Almería, Spain. The company is registered  in the commercial registry of Almería, volume 2299, folio 165, page AL-64123.


All content within this site–text, designs, images, graphics, logos, structure and others- are legally protected by national and international regulations of Intellectual and Industrial Property. The reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation or any other type of exploitation of this content by any means, formats or technical procedure must be expressely authorized by its legal owner. Unauthorized use of this website and its content will be prosecuted. Copyright © Smart Touring ®


By accepting the general terms of use of Smart Touring ® the user guarantees that he/she

  • Is 18 or older.
  • Will use the photos purchased according to the license of use.
  • Will abide in all cases by the regulation for image rights, copyrights and trademark rights.
  • Will provide true information without damage to others’ identity. Has read and accepted all clauses contained in the general terms of use that follow.

Personal information. The information we collect from users is generally used to answer customer questions and comments, process orders or provide users with access to their personal accounts. Also, we use this information to improve our relation with our customers.

We may store and process personal information and share it among Smart Touring ® so as to meet user business needs and improve our products and services; or

We may (or any third party on our behalf) use personal information to contact users regarding the products and services provided by Smart Touring ®. and offer a better support for their business needs. If you’d rather not have your personal information used to improve our relation with you (mainly direct marketing and market research), we will respect your option.

DATA PROTECTION Smart Touring ® guarantees the privacy and confidentiality of the users’ personal information collected via any system allowed for data transmission, according to the Public General Acts of Parliament 15/1999 Dec. 13. All information provided by users is added to our automated archive, and shall only be processed for the afore-mentioned ends. All personal information shall be managed on the appropriate level of protection, according to Law 994/1999 June 11, taking all necessary precaution to avoid transformation, loss, management or unauthorized access by any third party that may use it for ends other than those agreed with the user. Users may execute their right to access, cancel, modify and nulify this information, as established by the Public General Acts of Parliament 15/1999 Dec. 13, at the Smart Touring ® offices: Calle Cuesta de la Torre 70, 04140, Carboneras, Almería, Spain.

We shall not sell nor rent personal information to third parties, nor non-personal information collected automatically. When users access our website, we may automatically (i.e, with no need to register) collect information not personally-identifiable (for example, type of web browser, operating system, name of domain of origin, number of visits, average visit time.) We may use this information and share it among Smart Touring ®. to analyze the use of the website and improve its content. Cookies. Information automatically stored on end-computers. When users access our website, we may store some information from their computers by means of a cookie in order to remember them next time they enter the site.

Cookies. are helpful in many ways, for example, by allowing us to adapt a website by focusing on user needs, and by preventing users from having to enter their passwords with every visit. Users may delete cookies from their hard-drive, block them or ask for confirmation every time a new cookie is to be registered.

Minors. Minors shall not submit any type of personal information without express content from their parents or tutors. Smart Touring ® supports all parents and tutors in educating children on how to use personal information on the internet in safe and responsible ways. Smart Touring ® shall not consciously store nor use personal information submitted by minors.

External links. Smart Touring ® website contains links to other websites. Smart Touring ® is not responsible for others’ websites and privacy policies. Questions and comments. For any comments or questions regarding our Privacy Policy (i.e, edit or update your personal information), please write to [email protected] Our privacy policy changes as new developments are released through the Internet. Any changes made to this Privacy Policy shall be published on our website.


Why create an account? Users must create their customer account before placing their first order, providing their name and billing address. This information, together with an email address (customer login) and key (password) of their choice, shall be used to create their personal account. Contact names and billing addresses shall be safely stored for further visits. Credit card date is only stored during order processing. This means users must enter their credit card details with every new order. Service fees. All service fees reported via estimate are include VAT

Forms of payment. Companies, self-employed users and individuals may pay with credit card. Smart Touring ® accepts:

  • American Express
  • Mastercard
  • Visa credit
  • Visa debit

We use credit or debit card details only while processing your order. All details are deleted after completing the transaction. All credit-card payments are made via our secure-server that guarantees the confidentiality of the personal data travelling encrypted along the net. These encryption techniques codify the information sent through the internet by means of a communication protocol named SSL (Secure Socket Layers). This protocol uses an asymmetric encoding system to ensure secure transfers and a certificate authority to ensure the authenticity of the parties involved. For security reasons and to prevent fraud, we may sometimes need additional verification. This shall be done via email or through the phone. Users must provide us with photocopies within 48 hours in order to validate orders.


By choosing this form of payment, after accepting the estimate by filling and sending it to [email protected] users shall receive a pro-form bill with the total amount due and instructions for payment. Payments shall be made effective via bank transfer to our bank account and indicating the order number.


The present legal information abides by the Spanish set of laws. Both parties rise before the court of the city of Almería, with express waiver to any other jurisdiction that may apply.


With every transaction made with The “on-line” travel agency Smart Touring ® Title License AN- 041609-2. We will provide you with the general conditions applicable to each contracted “product” (Combined travelling, car rental, Hotel accommodation, tours and all non mentioned activities/products we will sell to you.) We invite you to read these general conditions with care. Understanding that you are aware of all the content and do Agree.

Copyright © Smart Touring ®
Trademark nº 3.627.956 web dominion is registered.

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